
Nouvelles du passé, compréhensions nouvelles :

Quelle versions Symphony et DS sont compatible en Dualboot

Depuis quelques années, il est possible d'avoir sur le même CPU Symphony Nitris et DS Nitris. Néanmoiuns pour des raisons de firmlware matériel, les updates doivent se faire conjointement sur les deux softs (utilisant le me^me hard). Vous trouverez ci dessous un tableau récapitulatif des versions validées comme compatibles ensemble.



Avid Nitris DNA Dual Boot Compatibility<

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Compatibility list for a dual boot Avid DS and Symphony Nitris workstation



Dual Boot System CANNOT YET upgrade to Avid Symphony Nitris 3.0:
Avid Symphony Nitris 3.0 requires Avid Nitris firmware updates that are NOT YET qualified to run with Avid DS v8.4, so clients running in a dual boot DS|Symphony Nitris environment should not update just yet.
Avid will announce when this firmware change has been made to Avid DS, at which time it will be safe to upgrade to Avid Symphony Nitris 3.0.

Also, Avid Symphony Nitris v1.8.4 updates one of its firmware to revision 0219. Avid DS Nitris is not yet qualified to use this firmware but will allow the application to start. Be aware that V.I.E. will report a red light of the 0219 firmware and that we do not guarantee stability with this change until it is fully qualified with QFE 2.


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Current :



Avid DS v8.4 QFE 1<




Avid Symphony Nitris v1.7.1 to 1.8.3<

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Previous :



Avid DS v8.0 QFE 3 & 4<




Avid Symphony Nitris v1.6.6 to 1.7<

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Avid DS v8.0 QFE 2a<




Avid Symphony Nitris v1.6 to 1.6.5<

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Avid DS v8.0 QFE 1<




Avid Symphony Nitris v1.5.3<

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Avid DS v8.0 no QFE<




Avid Symphony Nitris v1.5 to 1.5.2<

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No dual boot support for Avid DS prior to v8.0 and Avid Symphony Nitris prior to v1.5.


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Important Avid DS and Symphony Nitris Configuration Differences on HP xw9300

Avid DS Nitris specifics<

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BIOS revision:



Version 2.05 or 2.06 is loaded on a 9300 workstation shipped by Avid. BIOS v2.09 is qualified for Avid DS but not yet for Avid Symphony Nitris. For dual boot setup, we suggest that you do not install this recent BIOS.<

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BIOS settings:



Memory Remapping must be enabled in 64-bit (only for the HP xw9300) to access to full 4 GB available memory<

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Windows XP boot.ini:



/3GB USERVA=2700 (but only for Windows XP 32-bit, Windows XP x64 Edition does not modify its boot.ini file).<

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NVIDIA settings:



Horizontal span set by the Avid DS profile (mandatory).<

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Windows Updates:



All supported, except when otherwise notified on this web.<

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2 partitions:



Primary partition (C:\) for OS, drivers and software.
Secondary partition for Audio storage and projects location.

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Stripe Volume:



Single partition to sustain capture and playback performance.<

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Avid Symphony Nitris specifics<

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BIOS revision:



Version 2.05 or 2.06 is loaded on a 9300 workstation shipped by Avid. Avid Symphony Nitris does not support a more recent BIOS at this time.<

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BIOS settings:



Memory Remapping must be disabled in 32-bit (only for the HP xw9300) because it cannot access all available memory.<

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Windows XP boot.ini:<


/3GB USERVA=2500<

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NVIDIA settings:<


Dual view default profile.<

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Windows Updates:<


Automatic updates disabled, because not all Windows XP Security Updates are validated.<

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Single partition:<


All (but the video storage) exists on the primary partition (C:\).<

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Stripe Volume:<


Symphony can use multiple partitions but NOT in a dual boot setup because of the mandatory single stripe volume requirement for Avid DS Nitris. This can be a limitation for OMF based material but it is not an issue with MXF because of the numerical folder structure that propagates media files.<

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