
Nouvelles du passé, compréhensions nouvelles :

Training and Certification


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Training and certification programmes for your work tools
We can set up a customized training for all your needs at our AFDAS compliant training center jets.
We can propose two different of training
• An « applied » training ( systems and softwares)
• A « maintenance » training ( CPU hardware and in-depth NAS/SAN )
2 to 5 days of training
• On-site training : according to your specific needs and your availibility
• « Custom » training : training done for very specific needs and specific products
• Education Center Training : done on our campus site
•  our facilities are specially equiped : desks, internet, projectors
• A work station dedicated for a hands-on experience duplicating the user’s real work environment
• An « Expert » an qualified engineer or experienced operator to guide you throughout your training
• A program « made to mesure » for your needs
A large panel of training and certifications
• Post-Production systems – AVID DS10, AVID Nitris DX, Digidesign ProTools HD, Apple System software, Wiindows XP, AVID ISIS 7000, Apple XSAN,AVID Interplay, Telestream Episode 
Services according to your needs and level of knowledge
• Getting started levels all the way to « perfectionist » levels
Our rôle
Applied Training
We can assure you that our training includes a hands-on experience or a very advanced user’s « tips and tricks » to increase their productivity. Our professional trainer by the means of specific exercises will teach you how to get the most out of your system.
• Installation of cards and system
• Explanation of the rôle of the cards and their functions
• Explanation of the different hardware and software modules





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Maintenance Training
Specially developed by our team of techniciens, it goes into depth concerning the structure of the systems and/or NAS/SAN on the following subjects:

  • The intregration of the various hardware peripherials and their corresponding software.
  • The detection and trouble-shooting of a problem
  • Information concerning proper maintenance and spare parts management
  • Information concerning the possibilities of the « loaner » program of  CTM Solutions
  • Email technical information follow-up service is possible


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