Vous trouverez ci dessous une liste des divers points importants à vérifier en cas de poblèmatiques liées à des accès sur un SAN de type Avid ISIS.
Share Storage File Structure
· Media folders, and projects on Avid shared storage will have one additional folder per system that touches the project/media folder.
o Ie: A computer called “Edit1” opens a project called “AvidProject”, and captures media…
§ The project folder structure is… \ISISWorkspace\AvidProject\Edit1. The AvidProject folder will contain the bins, and masters settings, and project files. The Edit1 folder will hold an AVP, and AVS file which contain the current settings, and state of the project as Edit1 has left it.
§ The media folder struction is… \ISISWorkspace\Avid Media Files\MXF\Edit1.1. The .1 indicates that it’s the first the active folder. As files are capture you will see .2, .3, and so on. Every time the .1 folder reaches approx. 5000 files a new folder will be created. ONLY Edit1 can write to this folder, therefore ONLY Edit1 can rebuild the databases.
· Deleted databases don’t rebuild – Be sure that the machine that created the media folder is the one attempting to rebuild it.
ISIS 7000 / 5000 client issues.
Can’t connect/poor performance/can read but can’t write/can write but not read.
1. Intel Nic Driver/settings/TCP-IP settings (Check the Readme for settings/versions)
2. Firewall/Antivirus (Turn them off)
3. Duplicate host name/IP on network.
a. Turn off the offending system, and ping it’s host name… get a reply? If yes, you’ve got a duplicate.
b. Host name can get wedged… ie
4. Zone 2 or 3 switch issues
a. Port shutdown
b. QoS (Quality of Service) turned on
c. Flow Control misconfigured
5. Workspace is full/to many files/folders
6. Incorrect NIC settings in client manager
Logs/Utilities used:
· Path Diag – Tests network path, and bandwidth to ISIS/Medianet
o common use – “stuttering playback in media composer… could be a bandwidth issue”.
· Disklog – Shows statistic for current state of ISIS connection. Ie: open file read/write/permissions. Individual ISB/ISS interactions with client.
o Common use – Decipher file permission issue. Decipher ISIS connection issues. Anything pertaining to the client connection to the ISIS file system.
· Switch Diags – Checks health of ISIS stack. Pings all ISIS stack components, and gathers all error/warning info. Should be run consistently throughout any cases where changes are being made to the stack. Ie: reboots, reseats, configuration changes.
o Common Use – This should be run first and foremost when troubleshooting any server side ISIS issue to determine ISIS stack health.
· Smart Disk Statistics – ISIS 5K w/ 4.0 software – Gives us visibility into drive level health on an ISIS 5000 system. Current logs compared with historical data to determine change for the worse.
· Disk Error Analyzer – Medianet Specific – Can be used to decipher the “DEAN” light indicator in the Monitor tool. Gives information generated by unity clients about disk long command times.
o Common Use – Clients complaining of playback issues. DEAN (drive error analysis needed) light illuminated RED in the monitor tool.
· Avid Storage Manager – Medianet Specific – Run on Mediarray/Lanshare drives to test for long command times, reallocated blocks, and general drive errors.
o Common use – The Unity Monitor tool may sometimes give a warning of “Disk Error Analysis Needed”. You should run ASM for this if the Disk Error Analyzer is inconclusive.
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