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Tiger Technology NAB 2016 – dévoile sa nouvelle solution Project Serve

Tiger Technology NAB 2016 dévoile Project Serve – Solution compléte de Workflow Management de Post-Production pour votre NAS. Une appliance destinée à transformer n’importe quel stockage NAS en une véritable solution de gestion de projets partagée pour la Post-Production :

  • Project Serve offre toute les fonctonnnalités de ProjectStore Pro mais pour des structures qui sont déjà équipés d’une infrastructure NAS.  Intégrée dans un rack 1U cette nouvelle appliance de Tiger Technology pourra se connecter en 1 GbE ou 10 GbE sur tout système de stockage NAS (compatible SMB, CIFS) et rajoutera ainsi une gestion intégrale des projets vidéo avec gestion des médias, des utilisateurs, des Workspaces, des droits d’accés.
  • Compatible avec les différents environnements de Post-production MAC, PC et Linux, il autorisera le travail partagé collaboratif avec les solutions de montage Avid Media Composer; Apple FCPx et Adobe Premiere Pro CC
  • Il est possible de se rattacher à une Active Directory afin de mieux gérer plusieurs utilisateurs, des groupes de travail et des droits d’accès plus complets
  • Project Serve emploie la technologie éprouvée de Project Store Pro disponible avec les produits ‎de la gamme Tiger Technology
Disponible en Mai, il sera distribué par CTM Solutions : contact commerciual : 01 40 85 45 40 ou ventes@ctmsolutions.com

Détail complet sur cette nouvelle solution en Anglais :
Tiger Technology Launches Standalone Workflow Manager « Project Serve »

  • A truly collaborative and efficient workflow requires a shared storage backbone for media and files, accessible to all users from any workstation (shared storage management), and a system for the creation and control of system user profiles, and for the organisation of production workspaces and pipelines (workflow management).
  • Use Tiger Project Serve to transform your standard NAS into a complete workflow system to make content management work easy, and boost your productivity and ROI. Project Serve solves the problem of managing creative production pipelines, and accelerates workflows for all standard production and post software, with a simple way to create workspaces and users, control their access and permissions, manage their media usage, and minimize error-prone, manual media management.

Native-level Avid and FCP X support

Project Serve also provides native-level support for Avid Media Composer, and enables network editing capabilities in FCP X. Producers get full Avid bin-locking, using an editor-friendly UI, without the high price of ISIS storage. Project Serve also supports all your other pipeline tools on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, so you can use Adobe Creative Cloud, Blackmagic, Filmlight, Baselight, Nuke, Flame and Smoke, and all your 3D applications too.
Easy Project Organisation

Any digital media production team will increase productivity and efficiency with Project Serve. The moment it is important to keep workflows separate and organised and to control who can access what folders is the moment to add Project Serve. Having just one freelancer is enough to make access restrictions necessary. Having just two projects from different clients is enough to warrant keeping distinct pipelines for privacy and security concerns. Project Series can and should be used with teams of all sizes! Use an easy web UI to create a practically unlimited number of workspaces and users who can access them all at any time from any workstation.
Project Serve key features :

  • Makes project workflow, user control, and media management easy
  • Enterprise-class appliance with 24/7 Professional Technical Support
  • Connects to any standard NAS (SMB/CIFS)
  • User/Team Management – Control who in the team can access projects and media
  • Support for Active Directory Users and Groups (optional Ultimate bundle required)
  • Public/Private Workspaces – collaborate with others or work privately
  • Project Sharing – Avid bin locking, Adobe CC, Final Cut Pro/X, ProTools, etc.
  • Native-level Avid support plus additional productivity features and easy UI
  • Completely dynamic workspaces – no formatting, resizing, or pre-allocation required
  • Workspaces mount as local drives – use the network capabilities in all your apps
  • Proxy Generation – Review any video clip or image sequence over the network
  • Instant Search for keywords, clip names, time code, codec, formats
  • Template Creation – Create new projects from scratch or using templates
  • Activity Log
  • Workspace backup

Interoperability :
Project Serve works with any standard NAS. To control pipelines with Tiger Series solutions, choose

Tiger Technology Launches Standalone Workflow Manager « Project Serve »

Las Vegas—Tiger Technology, innovative developer of advanced shared-storage workflow solutions, today announces the introduction of Project Serve, a standalone Workflow Manager that can turn any standard NAS device into a complete managed-workflow system. Designed for digital production environments of all sizes and scope, Project Serve provides a simple way to create users and workspaces, and control access to media files on shared-storage. Simply connect Project Serve to a NAS and use the artist and editor friendly Tiger web user interface to create and manage production workflows :

  • Project Serve represents a low-cost, easy-to-deploy solution for post-production facilities, editing companies, design studios and others seeking to improve collaboration while controlling access to sensitive media files. « No other workflow manager is so easy and complete » says Tiger Technology founder and CTO Alexander Lefterov.
  • Project Serve is cross application and cross platform. It works with Mac, Windows and Linux. It emulates the Avid file system, and enables Final Cut Pro X network editing. Users can create local teams or connect with an Active Directory.
  • Project Serve meets the needs of a production industry where workflows are growing increasingly complex. Today’s production environments require more than the ability to share files among multiple users; they need fully-integrated workflow management to control access to assets internally and with third parties. Conventional NAS storage devices lack such management capabilities, IT-style solutions are overly complex, and turnkey products are too costly for many producers. Project Serve bridges the gap, providing sophisticated storage and project management tools in a platform that’s easy to use and that producers can afford.
  • « Project Serve addresses workflow issues in a simple, plug-and-play device, » observes Lefterov. « It requires no special training to operate. Users can begin managing their data from day one. » Lefterov adds that producers who currently own NAS devices can add Project Serve and gain the benefits of sophisticated media management without having to invest in new storage infrastructure.


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