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Merging nouveautés NAB 2013 autour de Pyramix, Vcube & MXFix : :

Merging technologie profitera du NAB 2013 pour démontrer et présenter de nombreuses améliorations et fonctionnalités autour du logiciel Pyramix et des nouvelles interfaces Audio Horus avec sa nouvelle version 8.1. Stand C3239 au NAB. CTM Solutions distribue et intègre en France les solutions Merging (Pyramix & VCube) pour répondre au marché de la post-production et du mastering audio. Veuillez trouver ci-joint le communiqué de presse complet de Merging en Anglais qui présente la nouvelle version 8.1, VCube 4.0 et MXFix 2.0 :

Pyramix V8.1 :
The recent sensational results in the Classical Grammy® categories reinforced Pyramix as the DAW of choice for serious recording projects and with high resolution downloads gaining in popularity, this becomes even more relevant. Merging has always tried to provide users with more than « just another DAW ». The advent of the MassCore Audio Engine in 2006 is still bringing ultra-low latency DSP to users at the fraction of the cost of the competition. The HEPTA sample rate conversion algorithm introduced with V7, which works in real time on the timeline, when mixing down or when creating CD/SACD masters, has been dubbed « the best sounding SRC available today » by many of the world’s top recording and mastering engineers.
And then, in April last year, Merging Technologies redefined the way in which audio engineers connect to their environment with the introduction of another world first, the Horus Networked Audio Interface. A native connection between DAW and interface using standard Gb LAN infrastructure and employing the RAVENNA IP Audio (AoIP) protocol meant that Pyramix could now truly be the workstation for the networking age.
No matter how far Merging pushes out ahead of the competition with its adoption of new technologies, the fact remains that almost every single project ever started with a Pyramix system begins with the act of putting a microphone in front of an instrument and recording it onto a timeline. With this in mind the Pyramix 8.1 release is a complete revamp to the way in which this most basic of functions is completed.

DSD256 (11.2MHz/1bit) and DXD (352.8kHz/32bit) :
Merging Technologies continues to push boundaries by focusing this release on exceeding what they consider the « normal » sample rate of 192kHz. Pyramix 8.1 combines with the Horus Networked Audio Interface to provide, in addition to the now almost standard at Merging, DXD and 384kHz PCM, the world’s first hardware and software combination capable of DSD256. This is 4 times the resolution of the SACD standard (DSD64); the truest representation of an analogue signal ever. But, for those not ready to step into this world yet, Pyramix 8.1 has a huge number of new recording enhancements for any sample rate.
Multiple, Post FX, Simultaneous Background Recordings

Pyramix offers a new methodology for capturing sounds from the world around you. After a simple setup, users will now see some new objects in the transport window called Background Recorders. Four of these can be initiated in a project and are fully capable multi-track recorders, each with their own record mixer where plugins can be inserted to record EQ and other FX « to track ».
• Ingest of multiple sources simultaneously for archive, forensics, mastering purposes
• Timeline-free recording of a multi-track event for use with more of the features to follow, such as Editing while Recording.
• Simple ingest of multiple sources for use in « craft-editor » production in broadcast scenarios.
Record Pre-Buffering

Not getting into record in time and missing the definitive start of a performance is frustrating. Capturing time already passed has been impossible, until now. The record pre-buffering feature provides a minute of safety where the environment is recorded, even if you are not in record! If your background recorder is online, pre-buffering simply works automatically in the background.
Take Logger/Metadata tool

The new Take Logger and Metadata tool in the Pyramix media manager is the one-stop shop for all your naming and noting needs. Not only can it change all metadata for a given file at any point (both during and after a recording) it also controls any one of the multi-track recorders (timeline or background) so you can stay in a single location within the UI for the entire recording day. A new resizable « On Air » window is the quickest way for everyone to know what take is being recorded and how long the recording has been going for.
Edit/Mix/Master While in Recording

The background recorders have another game-changing tool. Once a user has started to record from one (or multiples) of the background recorders, they can drag those current recordings onto the timeline and begin to edit, mix and master the audio being captured. Multiple « in record » files can be placed on the timeline together and be mixed with media already on your hard disks and as the recording continues, the file can be set to increase its length incrementally, auto-updating the timeline. This much requested feature has applications wherever Pyramix is used.
Interleaved, Multi-mono and Strip Split Recordings

Any Pyramix user knows the difference between « one-file per track » or interleaved. Now there is a third choice which allows users to split the recording by the strip type! Mono channels to mono files, stereo channels to stereo files, and multichannel tracks to multichannel files.
Horus Mic-Pre Control from the Mixer

Horus has not only redefined the way people setup recordings, but it has also completely redefined Merging as a provider of Swiss-designed tools for use with ANY workstation. The provision of ASIO and CoreAudio RAVENNA connections allows any audio application, Mac or PC to take full advantage of Horus. Until now, the remote of all of the Horus’ internals were dealt with via a web-based interface (allowing control by web-enabled phones, tablets and other devices!) obviating the need for a separate installer for either operating system. But with Pyramix 8.1, Mic-Pre levels are controlled directly from Pyramix. Gain, phantom power, HPF, and phase can be adjusted from the internal mixer. The firmware released simultaneous with Pyramix 8.1 additionally allows Horus Mic-Pre’s to be controlled from the user interface of the Pro Tools 10 Mic-Pre section in the Edit and Mix Views (Mac/PC).
VCube V4.0 :
VCube has established an enviable reputation as the definitive video tool for audio post applications. An incredible array of codec options make it the natural choice to get the session up and running in the fastest possible time. VCube 4 is a step forward in many ways from previous versions. In addition to optimization and bug fixes, the following are included in the V4.0 release:
• Improved Auto-Edit
• Improved media file handling
• Batch Render
MXFix V2.0 :
Now that Loudness compliance regulations are coming into effect around the world, it is so important for any business producing content for transmission be sure that the material being made will not fail loudness measurements. MXFix V2 has new features, faster workflow and more reliability for broadcasters and post-production studios trusting their output to Merging Technologies’ MXF washing machine.
• Output Channel reordering
• 2-pass Loudness Correction tool
• BWAV file support
• Continuous Watch updates
• 24 channels of audio support 


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