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Le QFE1 pour la version Avid DS Nitris 8.4 est disponible

CTM vous informe de la sortie du QFE1 pour DS Nitris 8.4 (qui nous vous le rappellons est disponible sans surcoût pour tout système déjà en version 8.0). A noter et pour rappel, la version 8.4 permet le support des dernières stations HPXW8400 Octo-processeurs (2 Processeurs Quad Core). Ce CPU permet des gains de puissance assez étonnants (Sur certains TimeWarp ou GFX on gagne jusqu'à 300% !), tout ceci bien évidement à condition d'être équipé d'un CPU correctement équipé d'un point de vue Ram, etc…

New software update for Avid DS family

Avid is pleased to announce the availability of a software upgrade for all Avid DS systems and software. This upgrade, named QFE 1, includes numerous quality improvements and enhancements, documentation updates, as well as a new hardware qualification.

The QFE1 upgrade is available free of charge to all registered owners of Avid DS systems and software on version 8.4.

What’s new?

Software improvements

Here are the improvements in the QFE1 update. Please refer to the QFE1 Release Notes document (included with the download) for a complete overview.

· Version number is now displayed for Avid DS messages in the event log.

· The Alpha channel from paint strokes is preserved when a time-based effect applied on it is processed.

· Using the "Use Timeline Timecodes for edit" option in the Output tool now accurately follows the in and out points that are set on the timeline.

· When capturing from tape on an HP xw8400 workstation, after reaching the pre-roll point, the capture no longer aborts with EDM message: "A synchro problem was detected".

· Captures in 4:4:4 format via the dual-link card no longer fails after 10 minutes.

New hardware qualification

The Avid DS Nitris family now supports a 30" HP LP3065 Wide LCD Monitor with a resolution of 2560×1600. A new layout is available for this single widescreen monitor, and will automatically display when the monitor is installed.

This monitor is supported with the nVidia Quadro FX3400, FX3450, and FX3500 graphics cards. The monitor will be orderable from Avid in the near future.

Documentation additions and changes

The hardware setup instructions for the HP xw8400, xw9300 and xw8200 workstations have been updated in the following documents: Using the Avid Nitris: For HP Workstations running Avid DS” and “Avid Nitris Dual Boot System Setup”.

These documents are installed with the QFE1 update.


The QFE1 update is available free of charge for all owners of Avid DS systems and software on version 8.4.

The update can be downloaded from one of the following locations:

· Avid Download Center (free download)

· Avid Services Download Center (requires log-in, for support contract customers)

· Avid DS Support Center (free download)

Customers with pre-8.4 versions of an Avid DS Nitris system or software need to upgrade to version 8.4 first. They can then download the QFE1 update at no charge.

Please contact your Avid Sales representative or Account Manager if you need any further information.

Upgrade to HP xw8400 for Avid DS Nitris customers

your Avid DS Nitris® customers who are running on an HP xw8200 workstation, the possibility to re-energize their system by upgrading to the quad core xw8400. This CPU upgrade was already available in our price book, but we can now provide data that clearly shows the performance increase.

Our engineers have concluded an extensive testing program, comparing the performance of a quad core xw8400-based system versus the dual core xw8200, and the results are impressive whatever effect is used, particularly for Dual Link systems working with 4:4:4 HD media:

Effect with 4:4:4 HD media



Average performance increase of xw8400 over xw8200


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Time-based effects





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Color correction





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Simple composites





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GFX + Timewarps





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The results with SD material are equally impressive: An average performance increase of 107%!

Of course, the actual improvement figures are dependent on many factors so they can not be guaranteed, but it is clear that upgrading the CPU of an xw8200-based Avid DS Nitris system will give your customers a large boost in performance and productivity.


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