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Comment fonctionne le workflow d’une post-production basée sur Fichiers RED avec les solutions Avid ?

Vidéo de présentation Workflow Red : Metafuze et media Composer

Diagram 1: Sample Workflow. Detailed information related to the applications above can be found in the Avid Resources and Third Party tabs.

Using RED camera files in Avid was flawless and as fast as any project I've edited. We lost no time and the RED files came into the Avid [editing system] without a hitch. The Avid workflow gave us the advantages of RED files with the professional support and flexibility of cutting on Avid. -Drake Silliman, A.C.E.
Editor, "Heist" starring Rick Jordan from EBS Entertainment

Easy import. Ingest picture, sound, and metadata from the RED ONE camera.

Native to native. Eliminate QuickTime from the process. Use Avid MetaFuze to transcode R3D files to Avid DNxHD for a truly efficient and dependable workflow.

Ultimate Conform. Finish in Avid DS, the most complete finishing solution for any native RED project.

Finish anywhere. Extensive metadata management for HD or DPX finishing within an Avid product or via third party conform solutions.

No need to choose. Simultaneous tracking of both time of day (TOD) timecode and edgecode.

Keep your color. All color parameters created by REDrushes are preserved and passed through.

Triple play. Use any combination of source references in DI conform: timecode, edgecode, DPX file name/frame count, in addition to the original R3D file name.

Clips: you name it. Edit with friendly, meaningful descriptions for clip names, such as scene and take, without restricting the conform process.

Open to new possibilities. XML representation of the sequence metadata opens the door to third party integration.


Diagram 1: Sample Workflow. Detailed information related to the applications above can be found in the Avid Resources and Third Party tabs.

Using RED camera files in Avid was flawless and as fast as any project I've edited. We lost no time and the RED files came into the Avid [editing system] without a hitch. The Avid workflow gave us the advantages of RED files with the professional support and flexibility of cutting on Avid. -Drake Silliman, A.C.E.
Editor, "Heist" starring Rick Jordan from EBS Entertainment

Easy import. Ingest picture, sound, and metadata from the RED ONE camera.

Native to native. Eliminate QuickTime from the process. Use Avid MetaFuze to transcode R3D files to Avid DNxHD for a truly efficient and dependable workflow.

Ultimate Conform. Finish in Avid DS, the most complete finishing solution for any native RED project.

Finish anywhere. Extensive metadata management for HD or DPX finishing within an Avid product or via third party conform solutions.

No need to choose. Simultaneous tracking of both time of day (TOD) timecode and edgecode.

Keep your color. All color parameters created by REDrushes are preserved and passed through.

Triple play. Use any combination of source references in DI conform: timecode, edgecode, DPX file name/frame count, in addition to the original R3D file name.

Clips: you name it. Edit with friendly, meaningful descriptions for clip names, such as scene and take, without restricting the conform process.

Open to new possibilities. XML representation of the sequence metadata opens the door to third party integration.

Avid Resources

Avid FilmScribe Master XML Template
We frequently enhance the Master XML template; get the most recent version here. Replace or add to:
Avid FilmScribe/Supporting Files/FilmScribe_Templates
(Mac OS X and Windows) [zip 6KB]

XSLTs (XML Transforms)
See Step-by-Step Guide for details. [pdf, 4516KB]

    For use with REDCINE v3.1.8 or later. Translates XML file created in REDCINE into an Avid ALE file. (Mac OS X and Windows) [zip 5KB]
    For use with REDCINE v3.1.5 and earlier. Translates XML files created in REDCINE into an Avid ALE file. [ zip 5KB]
  • SCRATCH_4.2b505_ALE XSLT
    For use with SCRATCH and SCRATCH CINE v4.2 build 505 and later. Converts SCRATCH and SCRATCH CINE XML to ALE for tape- and file-based conform. [zip, 3KB]
  • Scratch_ALE XSLT
    For use with SCRATCH and SCRATCH CINE earlier than v4.2 build 505. Converts SCRATCH and SCRATCH CINE XML to ALE for tape- and file-based conform. [zip, 5KB]
  • FS_Scan_REDCINE_318
    For use with REDCINE v3.1.8 or later. Translates a master FilmScribe XML into REDCINE XML for selects. This file can only be used when the ALE was originally generated from the REDCINE XML file. (Mac OS X and Windows) [zip 4KB].
    For use with REDCINE v3.1.5 and earlier. Translates a master FilmScribe XML into REDCINE XML for selects. This file can only be used when the ALE was originally generated from the REDCINE XML file. (Mac OS X and Windows) [ zip 2KB]
  • FS_Scan_CMX
    Translates a master FilmScribe XML file into a standard CMX 3600 EDL format for Monkey Extract by Rubber Monkey Software or other systems that support the CMX 3600 EDL format. (Mac OS X and Windows) [ zip 9KB]

16Char EDL Template
Modified CMX 3600 EDL to support the full R3D 16 character source file name. Add to Avid EDL Manager Templates folder to use. (Mac and Windows) [ zip 4KB ]

Avid DNxHD QuickTime Codecs v1.10
These codecs (Mac and PC) allow REDCINE or REDrushes to render directly to Avid DNxHD. Currently REDCINE and REDrushes render to Avid DNxHD 220/180/175 10-bit only.

  • Mac [ .zip, 5,646 KB]
  • Windows [ .zip, 8,377KB]

Avid Metadata Logging and Tracking Whitepaper
Learn about the metadata tracking capabilities of Avid editing products

Third Party Resources

HD and Avid DNxHD Dailies from R3D files

  • Assimilate SCRATCH CINE generates high resolution video dailies from R3D files to HD format of choice.
  • Digital Vision Data Conform creates digital dailies from R3D files for Avid editorial in Avid DNxHD and high resolution finishing in DPX and EXR.
  • Filmlight Baselight Transfer (BLT) – High performance digital telecine tool that seamlessly integrates REDCODE Raw source into industry standard Avid DNxHD resolutions and high resolution formats for grading and finishing workflows.
  • Root 6 ContentAgent generates proxies and commonly used file formats, including Avid DNxHD for offline or high end finishing and HD mastering.

XSLT Translator Applications
Translate XML files into other file formats using XSLT files with XTrans (Windows) or TestXSLT (Mac). See Step-by-Step Guide for details.

ALE File Creation
Extract metadata from QuickTime files and save as ALE with MetaCheater. For step-by-step details on using MetaCheater, read the Monkey Extract from Rubber Monkey Software quickly renders DPX files and prepares your footage for final conform. (Mac OS X)

Create DPX files via REDCINE using an XML pull list generated by Avocoda’s cineXML (Mac OS X and Windows)


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