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Root6 Technology informations et nouveautés NAB 2015

Root6 Technology était présent au NAB 2015 stand SL9306, l’éditeur de Pro logiciels vidéo a présenté ses nouvelles options et innovations autour de la solution Content Agent : CardAgent, Frame Rate Conversion, automation QC, moteur de Workflow, nouveau connecteur Avid Interplay PAM et Dolby E Decodeur… Pour rappel, CTM Solutions distribue et intégre la solution Content Agent :

ContentAgent, the file-based workflow management and automation platform from ROOT6 Technology, will be demonstrated at NAB with its latest software, providing valuable new tools to further streamline file-based operations.
New and enhanced features seen for the first time will include support for a wide range of new formats, including 4K XAVC, JPEG2000, AS-02 and more, further enhancing ContentAgent’s popular resolution independent transcoding pipeline. Additionally, extended interoperability with Avid ecosystems facilitates workflows across multiple resolutions, and a new graphical designer enables easy navigation through even the most complex workflows.

  • For ingest-intensive environments such as news, sports, reality shows and general post production, a new application, CardAgent, makes its NAB debut. Building on ContentAgent’s popular automated camera card workflow, CardAgent simplifies multi-user ingest operations via a new user interface. Non-technical operators are able to initiate a variety of workflows from camera card structures (or single clips) in parallel to enable an extremely efficient ingest operation.
  • Operators are able to browse, playback, make selections, trim clips, re-name camera clips, and start an automated process for transcoding and/or re-wrapping for the creation of proxies, hi-resolution and viewing copies, backups and the subsequent speedy delivery to editorial. CardAgent can also be used to submit any clip to be processed in an automated workflow by ContentAgent.
  • Comprehensive camera card support extends from GoPro and DSLR formats right the way through to RED and beyond, enabling productions handling dynamic and diverse media formats to easily adapt to changes without significant workflow changes.
  • Advanced frame rate conversion, achieved though ContentAgent’s integration with Tachyon®, the highly acclaimed image processing and conversion software from Cinnafilm® will also be demonstrated at the show. The advanced frame rate conversion option enables ContentAgent to become a replacement for expensive legacy hardware-based workflows that contain costly trips to/from baseband for standards and format conversions.
  • Created from the ground up for file-based workflows and utilising powerful CPU and GPU processing, this tool facilitates not only the traditional PAL/NTSC conversions but expands across all frame rates, deals with field order/progressive/cadence issues and scales across resolutions to UHD. Conversions are all performed accurately using phase correlation and other motion estimation data.
  • ContentAgent’s new Avid workflows cater for the most demanding operations. Automatic Interplay PAM folder creation allows users to dynamically create Interplay folder structures based on metadata, while ContentAgent’s rich metadata engine allows users to carry entirely custom metadata across directly to the platform. Multi-resolution transcoding and re-wrapping enables dynamic relinking of proxy media and users can now stitch native media without transcoding during ingest for fast turnaround workflows.
  • Dolby E decoding is now supported by integration with Minnetonka’s AudioTools Server, enabling ContentAgent users to re-purpose assets stored as MXF, GXF or AS02 structures. Automatic creation of XML files containing all Dolby E metadata allows extensible access to this information further along the workflow.

All ContentAgent tools are accessed from an elegant and intuitive user interface which echoes working practices and provides the facility to create and automate workflows from acquisition to deliverables in a secure, reliable and repeatable manner. Integration with ‘best of breed’ third party technologies including Avid, Cinnafilm, Minnetonka, Interra, Tektronix and Vidcheck facilitate such powerful features as automated Interplay check-in, file-based QC, and advanced frame rate conversion.


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