Les préconisations avid concernant les tailles des partions disques médias sont toujours d'environ 200Go.
With the implantation of things like the MediaDoc320 and ‘HUGE’ arrays, Avid systems have the ability to setup and operate with media storage sizes upwards of 1.7 terrabytes and higher. While the computer itself can support that much space, after 250+ gigs of storage has been taken up with media, the Avid begins to lose its way when dealing with Media DataBases. This can lead to the system ‘losing’ media or incorrectly show media as ‘Offline’. Also, very often the Media Databases may not be successfully rebuilding themselves (the ‘msm.MMOB’ and ‘msm.FMID’ files located inside each of the ‘OMFI MediaFiles Folder’), which is causing speed and stability problems as users begin to fill up the drives with media. Here is what is going on with your media, as you work within the Avid: – Almost everything you are doing in Avid (from launching the Avid, saving any bins, leaving capture mode, or closing the application ) is causing the system to read and write data to your media drives simultaneously. – Each partition will have one ‘OMFI MediaFiles Folder’ and/or one ‘Avid Media Files Folder’ (for MXF media). – Each media files folder contains two database files (‘msm.MMOB’ and ‘msm.FMID’) which keep track of all of the changes to media files; keeping them constantly linked to the master clips in your bins (pointer files living on another drive in your applications folder). – Every time you launch the Avid, save any bins, leave capture mode, or close the application it is forcing those database files to index all of the files in that media files folder. – By having 2 database files on one very large partition containing 500GB 1 TB, etc of media , the Avid is indexing the hundreds of thousands of files included on that partition . That, in turn, taxes the database files beyond a reasonable level and they begin to either lose track of media, or fail to complete their updates. – Media Databases no longer update correctly, causing things like “OMFI HP Domain INIT Failed” errors as well as ‘Media OffLine” messages, among others. – By creating more, yet smaller Drive Partitions, the Avid can more efficiently and reliably maintain its Media Database files, giving overall stability and speed back to the system. TO THIS END:Avid Customer Support has found that partitioning down larger Striped sets to sizes of approximately 250-300 gig has TREMENDOUSLY helped overall Adrenaline performance and stability. We are recommending this for systems setup with larger than 300 gig partitions, in use with a 12 or 24 way stripe. *** A note about Windows File Limit:The Windows OS starts to slow down after 10,000 files. This is a limitation of the OS itself, not of the Avid. After 10,000 files, the system cannot buffer it’s file count fast enough, as well as the Avid’s Media Databases also not updating correctly, if at all. Related info, you might find handy: – Instructions for drive striping in Windows XP:http://www.avid.com/onlinesupport/supportcontent.asp?productID=0&contentID=8080&typeID=2 – Instructions for drive striping on OS X:http://www.avid.com/onlineSupport/supportcontent.asp?contentID=3419 – Adrenaline drive striping tables(current as of 1.6+):http://www.avid.com/content/7169/Adrenaline_Striping_4_14_05.pdf – Link to ‘Express Stripe 2.1’ download on the KB:http://www.avid.com/onlineSupport/supportcontent.asp?contentID=3521 – Instructions on using Express Stripe 2.1: