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Object Matrix informations et nouveautés NAB 2015

Object Matrix était présent au NAB 2015 stand SL6125. Fabricant de stockage Nearline. Object matrix a dévoilé ses dernières innovations et configurations. Pour rappel, CTM Solutions distribue et intégre l’ensemble de la gamme des produits Object Matrix

Object Matrix, the leading provider of object based nearline storage to the media and entertainment industries today introduces the following new features and pricing models to be launched at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) in Las Vegas :
MatrixStore ‘Data-Aware’ Object Storage – More than just a file system :
MatrixStore now enables applications using its API to not only search for user or system generated metadata, but also access statistical and audit information that was previously only available through the Object Matrix toolset. Collecting this additional information has been at the core of MatrixStore functionality since 2006. Today Object Matrix announces that it is providing a means of interrogating, collating and exploiting that information through its APIs. Typical use cases that this new access enables :

  • Find out which files are being accessed the most or not at all
  • Discover who is storing what down to the individual user
  • Create storage bandwidth and usage heat maps within an organisation
  • Allows users to add their own audit trail information for enhanced asset event tracking and security that survives beyond the life of the asset itself

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity for Production Workflows :
Ensuring production can continue even if the main production facility cannot has become a tactical and strategic problem for content producers across the globe. MatrixStore Replication technology is proven and from today is tightly integrated into Avid, Adobe and Apple production workflows. Features include :

  • Tight integration with Avid Interplay and Glookast Media | Retriever. No need to copy the Avid Interplay database to a remote location. MatrixStore moves the assets, metadata and project files so work can continue even if the primary production site cannot.
  • Proxy and partial restore workflows at the primary and remote sites in conjunction with the popular Media | Retriever application from Glookast.

« Doing more with your data is nothing new for our customers as we have evangelized MatrixStore as being more than just a file system since its inception in 2003. MatrixStore has long been ‘data-aware’, by making statistical and audit information available through the MatrixStore API we are now enabling organisations to fully understand the value of their data. Something that cannot be achieved with simple NAS or SAN solutions. » stated Jonathan Morgan, MD of Object Matrix. « Given recent events, our heritage and expertise in providing data security and business continuity platforms is also coming to the fore as organisations look to secure their content and ensure they can keep working in the event of local disruption » he added.
Object Matrix has also made the following changes to its current pricing model :

  • £500k/€700k/$800k – Two Petabyte Bundle (including disaster recovery and business continuity for Avid Interplay). Included in the bundle:
  • Two 1028 terabyte (usable) clusters
  • 10GigE connectivity
  • All Object Matrix plugins
  • 12 months hardware and software support

Object Matrix will be present at the NAB Expo on Stand SL6125 and also SU6104 (where a live demonstration of Avid Interplay disaster recovery workflows will be on show) from 13th April.


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