
Nouvelles du passé, compréhensions nouvelles :

New Insight Projects 2011

version anglaise à venir






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  • The building of a new archiving and documentation system
  • Installation of a workflow toolset
  • Management of the Archiving system
  • Intregration with the pre-existing computer network of the client



  • Deployment of a Spark asset management system at the beginning of the project, full training program for the clients
  • Development of dedicated interface software for the project, deployment, tests, updates as needed by the client


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2009 – 2011


  • To Internalize the broadcast operations, create a Multi-play out system 
  • Intregration of a trafifc management system
  • Dynamic station branding
  • Multilingual DVB Sub-titling



  • Deployment of the Spark Automation solution, E-XS, Screen Sub-Titling, Start-up help, Personnel training
  • Technical support for the entire site on a daily basis


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2007 – 2011


  • Installation of a new archiving and documentry system
  • Integration with the the Post Production and production
  • Archiving management intregration with the existing installation



  • Complete installation of a Spark asset management system
  • Development of custom interfaces , tests, deployment, updates and special needs


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2007 – 2011


  • The building of a new archiving and documentation system
  • Intregration with the tools existing in the Post-Production Departement
  • Management of the Archiving system
  • Integration with the pre-existing computer network of the client



  • Deployment of the Spark asset management system with a full training program for the personnel
  • Development of dedicated interface software for the project, deployment, tests, updates as needed by the client


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2005 -2011


  • Providing the equipment and software solutions for the sub-titling, DVB, Teletext and live on air
  • Intregration with the operators
  • Support, technical assistance and training



  • Mastery of the technical subtlities of screen sub-titling  
  • Development of dedicated interface software for the project, deployment, tests, updates as needed by the client


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2002 – 2011


  • Providing the equipment and software solutions for the sub-titling, DVB, Teletext and live on air
  • Intregration with the operators
  • Support, technical assistance and training



  • Mastery of the technical subtlities of screen sub-titling
  • Development of dedicated interface software for the project, deployment, tests, updates as needed by the client


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