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Aspera nouveautés NAB 2013 :

Aspera propose de nombreuses nouveautés au NAB 2013 : Faspex 4.0; Aspera Drive; Aspera Plug-in pour Avid Interplay Delivery; Fasp Proxy 1.0. Aspera est distribué en France par CTM Solutions, si vous souhaitez évaluer et tester ces nouvelles applications ou nouveautés pour optimiser et distribuer vos propres fichiers : contactez-nous info@ctmsolutions.com. Tous les détails sur les innovations du NAB 2013 Aspera en anglais :


At NAB Aspera is thrilled to show for the first time a new file sharing experience that brings together the best of Aspera faspex, Shares, and Sync technologies into a single unified platform for file-based collaboration.
Unlike the myriad of « Drive, » « File Sync » and « File Sharing » services on today’s Internet, the Aspera platform allows for transfer and synchronization of files sets of any size and any number with maximum speed at any distance, with the full access control, privacy and security of the Aspera technology, and with an innovative architecture that allows for deploying on-premise, on the cloud, or in combination, as your Enterprise may choose.
This new experience, brought to you as « Aspera Drive » and « faspex 4.0 » bring remote file browsing, transfer, synchronization, and package sending and receiving to the Desktop, Browser and Mobile device with a natural project based collaboration model on the application backend. Users enjoy maximum transfer speed, security, and distance independent collaboration with any size data set and can access and exchange « big data » with ease from their environment of choice. Aspera veterans will recognize how the user experience builds on Aspera Connect, Cargo, Sync and Mobile and unifies Shares and faspex paradigms on the backend to achieve what we believe is a revolutionary file sharing experience.
Aspera Drive brings together all transfer and synchronization paradigms of the faspex 4.0 backend directly into the desktop file explorer. Through the expandable Aspera Drive entry in the desktop file explorer, collaboration with big data sets is easy and comprehensive:
Users can browse their Projects and authorized Shares for file content, right click and drag-and-drop files and directories from the desktop to their Aspera Shares, right-click to sync a local folder with a Project or right-click to send files and directories to other Project members and users as a faspex package.
Users can subscribe and automatically download faspex packages via their Inbox, Sync down any new files in their Project Shares, or simply download new files by dragging files from a remote Share to a local folder within their Drive view.
From the Aspera Drive for Mobile and faspex App for Mobile, iOS and Android users can browse their Projects and Shares and upload and download files, or send and receive packages with email integration.
Users can have one or more unique authenticated Drive accounts with each faspex 4.0 provider and thus one user can simultaneously access and collaborate through multiple server providers concurrently within the same Aspera Drive installation.
The entire paradigm builds on fasp and Aspera Sync technology to allow for transfer and automatic background synchronization of even giant data sets at global distances, including support for cloud (AWS/Azure storage), with the ease and facility of simple file sharing and sync.
• High-speed synchronization from desktop to faspex 4.0 backend. Right click to sync a local folder with remote Project Shares, or to Sync down new files from the Share, as well as automatic background sync.
• Integrated secure desktop browsing of remote shares, projects, and files.
• Drag and drop high-speed transfer to and from remote shares and projects (on premise and on cloud).
• Background synchronization of faspex sending and receiving.
• Desktop integrated faspex sending and receiving – Right click to send a faspex package. Automatic subscribe and download faspex packages to desktop.
• Multiple accounts supported in one Drive, with secure authenticated access to Projects and Shares.
• Email notification on new package availability or new content uploaded to a Share.
Aspera Drive is powered by faspex 4.0, a new web platform backend that unifies all of the file sharing and package sending capabilities of Aspera Shares and faspex. The platform is a web application tier that deploys in conjunction with Aspera Enterprise Server(s) in the Enterprise or on the cloud to power the file-sharing ecosystem. A new project-based approach combines users and user groups with file and directory resources (« Shares ») into project collaboration spaces. Projects can have custom metadata, with 3rd party dropboxes for ingest of content and metadata and custom branding by project making it ideal for 3rd party file sharing, ingest, delivery.
Users can browse their Projects and Shares and transfer or sync files and directories via Aspera Drive on the Desktop or via the faspex 4.0 browser interface using Aspera Connect. Users can also send and receive packages with other users in their Projects from the browser, desktop (Aspera Drive) and from the mobile app, and recipients can immediately be notified of content availability via email.
User management flexes across enterprise and 3rd parties with support for multiple directory services simultaneously, federated authentication and single sign-on (SAML), public URL and private invitations to send by 3rd parties, and self-registration.
Transfer policies such as bandwidth preferences, priorities, vlinks, and security settings can be configured by users, groups, and also by Project.
The Aspera Node API has been extended to support Shares-based access control for browsing, transfer, and sync in addition to the existing API for faspex package sending, receiving and package info.
• Combines the file sharing and package sending capabilities for Shares and faspex into a unified platform.
• Project-based approach combines users and user groups with file and directory resources (« Shares ») into project collaboration spaces.
• Projects support custom metadata and branding, with 3rd party dropboxes for ingest of content and metadata, and custom branding.
• Users can browse authorized Projects and Shares and transfer or sync via Aspera Drive on Desktop or transfer within the faspex browser interface using Aspera Connect.
• Users can send and receive packages via Aspera Drive on Desktop or via Aspera Connect in the browser.
• Transfer policies and security can be set per user, group, and project.

Aspera fasp Plug-in for the Avid Interplay Delivery service enables integrated, high-speed transport of full resolution media between Avid production workgroups. Users can share full resolution media and associated metadata between remote Interplay Production workgroups across a wide area network (WAN) by transferring video and metadata at line speed, regardless of distance, fully utilizing the available bandwidth. The Aspera solution is optimized for maximum speed retrieval and storage of media clips on Avid ISIS® storage, with line speed WAN transfer at any distance, using the fasp 3 transport platform and supports the complete check-out/check-in process required for coordinated transfers and collaboration.
• Line speed delivery between remote Avid editing stations.
• Integrated with Avid Interplay Delivery.
• Supports transfer of full resolution media and metadata between remote Interplay Production workgroups.
• Optimized for maximum speed retrieval and storage of media clips on Avid ISIS® storage.
Designed for fasp performance, the fasp Proxy is a high-speed proxy software engine allowing secure and transparent pass-through of fasptransfer sessions across secure DMZs without impeding transfer speeds or compromising the security of your internal network. Kernel-level packet forwarding ensures that fasp packets do not slow down, fully maintaining fasp transfer speeds. Built-in support for fasp Proxy in all Aspera desktop and browser clients makes it easy to setup and deploy, and built-in authentication ensures secure client access in both forward and reverse configurations.
• Secure, line speed proxy for Aspera transfers. Software engine deployed on 64-bit Linux hosts.
• Kernel-level, software maintains all of the high-performance capabilities of fasp.
• Supports both in-bound and out-bound (forward and reverse proxy) with secure authentication of all Aspera sessions with both user squash and user preservation options.
• Single proxy multiplexes client sessions to multiple Aspera Server hosts targets in reverse configuration, and multiple outbound client sessions in forward configuration.
• Transfers via proxy are fully compatible with all Aspera products.


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