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Adobe informations innovations et nouveautés NAB 2015

Adobe était présent au NAB 2015 stand SL5110, l’éditeur de Pro logiciels Audio, Photo, vidéo a  présenté ses dernières mises à jours et innovations (nouvelles fonctions Lumetri Color Panel, jump-cut, Morph Cut sur Adobe Premiere Pro CC; nouvelle architecture Adobe After effects CC; Projet Candy, Adobe Character Animator…). Pour rappel, CTM distribue les solutions Adobe sous forme d’abonnement annuel :

                                             Adobe dévoile ses nouveautés Pro Vidéo de sa Creative Cloud au NAB 2015

  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC : commençons par Premiere Pro qui se voit doter d’un nouveau panneau dédié à la correction colorimétrique: Lumetri Color Panel. Ce dernier permet d’avoir accès à un grand nombre de pré-réglages « Look » disponible soit en local soit via le Cloud. Ces réglages sont entièrement compatibles avec Speedgrade et permet un échange complet entre les logiciels. Il sera possible maintenant de créer vos corrections colorimétriques directement depuis Adobe Premiere Pro avec des outils avancé comme le nouveau « Lumetri 3-Way color corrector », un outil de correction colorimétrique 3 niveaux. Dans ce panneau Couleur Lumetri vous disposerez aussi des courbes, teintes, saturations…
  • Adobe Premiere Pro dispose aussi d’un nouvel outil pour les « jump-cut ». Le « Morph Cut » permet de créer un effet de morphing entre deux plans d’une interview afin de ne pas voir la coupe entre les deux plans. 
  • La bibliothèque en ligne « CC Librairies » est maintenant accessible directement depuis Adobe Premiere Pro et vous permet d’accéder à tous le contenu que vous avez dans votre stockage Cloud, ainsi tout vos documents Photoshop, illustrator… seront accessibles. Cela permet de travailler de façon collaborative avec d’autres personnes, d’autres applications ou services.
  • Il est maintenant possible de commuter entre différentes interfaces de travail ou présentations (montage, effets, correction colorimétrique…).
  • Le gestion native de nouveaux codecs permet maintenant de gérer les formats : Avid DNxHR, Canon XF-AVC, Apple ProRes 4444XQ et le Panasonic 4K-HS.
  • Une nouvelle fonction « Time Tuner » permet lors de votre export via « Media Encoder » de pouvoir augmenter ou réduire jusqu’a 10% la durée de votre montage sans toucher à la qualité. « Time Tuner » analyse le contenu de votre montage et ajoute ou enlève des images en fonction du rythme de montage. De nombreuses autres nouveautés et améliorations ont été ajoutées comme l’amélioration du flux de production avec Audition, l’amélioration de l’export AAF, les performances du moteur Mercury…
  • Adobe à travaillé depuis plus d’un an, sur l’architecture d’After Effects afin d’augmenter les performances et l’interactivité. Il est donc maintenant possible de prévisualiser vos effets en lecture et de modifier certains paramètres pendant la lecture sans que la lecture s’arrête. Cette nouvelle architecture a permis d’unifier et de simplifier le mode de prévisualisation, il est donc maintenant beaucoup plus personnalisable, vous pouvez changer les comportements (réglages) via des raccourcis clavier.
  • Présenté lors du dernier Adobe Max 2014 comme technologie, aujourd’hui le « Adobe Character Animator » est devenu une réalité. Cela permet donc d’animer des personnages basé sur des calques photoshop, illustrator via une webcam. Tiré de la technologie de l’Adobe Character Animator, un nouvel outil « Face Tracker Effect » permet donc d’analyser le suivi de mouvement de visage. Vous allez donc facilement pouvoir appliquer des masques sur des visages soit pour les flouter, soit pour créer un effet de couleur.
  • Le projet Candy est le nom de code d’un nouveau service mobile qui va vous permettre de capturer des couleurs, des teintes via votre smartphone ou votre tablette afin de les appliquer dans votre montage. Les infos seront stockées dans votre Cloud et accessible directement depuis Adobe Premiere ou After Effects via les CC librairies (bibliothèque dans le Cloud).

Communiqué complet en Anglais sur le Blog Adobe :  Coming Next to Adobe Pro Video Tools

Creativity is about to get a lot more colorful: Updates coming to Creative Cloud pro video tools.
Adobe announced today a new wave of major updates for video pros coming soon to Creative Cloud. New versions of the video tools and services, including some brand new apps, will be presented next week at National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) tradeshow.
Visitors to the show will see a new Color workspace and a Lumetri Color panel in Adobe Premiere Pro CC, which offers an entirely new color workflow for editors; Adobe Character Animator, an amazing (and fun) interactive desktop animation tool; expanded scope for collaboration with Creative Cloud Libraries and Adobe Anywhere; « Project Candy, » an innovative mobile technology, currently under development for capturing and sharing Looks; and lots of cool new Adobe Magic that makes it easy to accomplish tasks that would have been difficult or impossible before.
Adobe will present a special webcast on April 16. Shot right on the NAB show floor, it will provide a chance to see highlights of the release and chat in real-time with presenter Jason Levine and TeamAdobe.
Key themes of the upcoming release :

  • New color workflows that make color an integral part of the creative process, including the Color workspace in the Lumetri Color panel and scopes in Premiere Pro CC and new Look support in Creative Cloud Libraries.
  • Mobile apps and integrations that extend the creative process, such as a streamlined workflow for opening Adobe Premiere Clip projects in Premiere Pro CC, and new mobile capture technology, Project Candy, for creating Looks to enhance the appearance of video footage.
  • Deeper collaboration for all—from small teams to large enterprises, including asset sharing via Creative Cloud Libraries for mobile-to-mobile and mobile-to-desktop workflows. And Adobe Anywhere, coming soon in two versions, offering collaborative editing workflows for teams of all sizes.
  • Tools and features that empower artists to create more and deliver faster: Adobe Character Animator, Morph Cut in Premiere Pro CC, Time Tuner in Adobe Media Encoder CC. Preview enhancements and Face Tracker in Adobe After Effects CC, and more.
Innovations like these are driving adoption of Adobe video workflows: recent Premiere Pro CC converts include the four-time Academy Award winning Coen Brothers, who are currently editing their film, Hail, Caesar!; and director Rhys Thomas and producer Lorne Michaels of NBC’s Saturday Night Live, with Staten Island Summer, a Paramount Pictures production, due out in 2015. In addition, MLB Network switched their editing and post-production environment to a complete Creative Cloud workflow.
« From script to screens, Adobe is delivering advanced workflows for every step of the creative journey. The industry is switching to Premiere Pro CC and our tightly integrated set of video tools because of the constant stream of innovation coming from our labs, » said Steve Warner, vice president of digital video and audio at Adobe.
« Our move to Creative Cloud, with deeply connected mobile-to-desktop workflows and services that make your assets available to you as you move from app to app, ensures our customers have the tools and services to create stunning videos, TV shows, films and commercials faster than before. »

Adobe Premiere Pro CC :
Editors have a lot to look forward to in the next release of Premiere Pro CC, starting with the all-new Color workspace and Lumetri Color panel providing powerful, yet easy-to-use, color tools inside Premiere Pro CC. Further extending their creative color workflows, Premiere Pro CC users will be able to apply Looks captured in the real world with Project Candy to add emotional impact and visual appeal to videos. Looks and graphics elements will be easily accessed in the application via Creative Cloud Libraries. Task-Oriented Workspaces organize the User Interface for the task at hand. Editors can also create and save custom workspaces to include the windows, tabs and tools that they use most.
It will be much easier to deliver polished interview content by smoothing out jump cuts in talking head shots with Morph Cut. Improved integration between Adobe Premiere Clip and Premiere Pro CC will offer a seamless transition from the mobile editing experience to the power of a professional desktop NLE. Other features coming in the next release include more streamlined audio workflows, caption burn-in, improved Mercury Transmit performance for external monitoring with third-party I/O hardware, support for Windows touch devices, new editing refinements, and even more file format support.
The ability to shape light and color is integral to the process of working with moving images, » said Al Mooney, senior product marketing manager. « Color tools should enable play and experimentation. They should be approachable, easy to understand, and easy to include in your post-production workflow. » 

Project Candy :
« Project Candy » is the code name for an amazing new mobile technology, currently under development, that allows users to capture light and color from the things they see around them and save the results as Looks. Looks are like grading presets used to enhance the appearance of video footage, like those you can create in Adobe SpeedGrade CC or now in Premiere Pro CC.
« The brilliant thing about Project Candy, is that you don’t need to know anything about color grading to use it, » said senior product manager Patrick Palmer. « In the past you would need to be an expert colorist to match the Look of a scene in real-life. With Candy, you just need your phone. »
Looks saved in Project Candy are automatically available in Premiere Clip, Premiere Pro CC, and After Effects CC via Creative Cloud Libraries, where they can also be shared with colleagues. 

Adobe After Effects CC :
The next release of After Effects CC will instantly feel faster for users, making it easy to explore their creativity while interacting with the software in new ways. Uninterrupted Preview allows users to explore design ideas, adjust properties, and even resize panels without stopping playback. Simplified Previews offers intuitive default behaviors to help new users get up and running faster while allowing experienced After Effects artists to customize their preview options to fit their preferred workflow.
« The preview enhancements in the coming release provide a more responsive and dynamic environment for motion graphics and visual effects work, » said Todd Kopriva, product manager for After Effects. « This allows artists to focus on the creative process and stay in the creative zone with fewer distractions or interruptions. »
Connected creativity takes a leap forward with Creative Cloud Libraries, putting assets right at the artist’s fingertips, including images, Looks, color swatches and vector graphics from other desktop and mobile apps like Adobe Shape CC.
Face Tracker is a new feature that makes it easy to map facial movements with exceptional accuracy, managing the level of detail you track. Users can use simple mask tracking for fast tracking (for example to blur out someone’s features) or use more detailed point or measurement tracking to apply precise effects, or export tracking data to Adobe Character Animator. Other enhancements in the new release include a more adaptable user interface and support for using touch controls to navigate between panels within the app. 

Adobe Character Animator (Preview) :
Adobe Character Animator offers a groundbreaking new experience for After Effects users—using the computer’s webcam and microphone along with keyboard and mouse interaction allows users to animate characters created in Adobe Photoshop CC or Adobe Illustrator CC in real time, shaving many hours off the creative process.
« Character Animator makes it incredibly easy to bring life-like behavior figures and insert them into scenes including other actions like wind or snow, » said Kopriva. Users can record multiple takes and then stitch together the best performances for a great result. The best thing about it? It’s so much fun to use! »
Learn more about Character Animator on the After Effects blog.
Adobe Media Encoder CC :
The next release of Media Encoder CC includes Time Tuner which lets editors and broadcasters automatically adjust the duration of broadcast deliverables—without time-consuming micro-editing. Time Tuner will be available in the next release of Media Encoder CC. Video pros will also be able to output multichannel audio with new Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital Plus support in Media Encoder CC. And we’re adding support for encoding and decoding of JPEG 2000 in an MXF wrapper.
Learn more about what’s coming to Media Encoder CC on the Premiere Pro blog.
Adobe Audition CC :
Editors and audio pros can get right to work, streaming native video formats inside the next release of Audition CC with Dynamic Link video streaming, and review full screen video on a separate monitor while editing audio. Live relinking allows users to replace assets within an open project and retain edits made to original clip.
Learn more about what’s coming next on the Adobe Audition blog.
More video updates:
Record voiceover with your video capture as audio notes or for on-location reporting in Adobe Prelude CC. Bring editing projects into the Adobe SpeedGrade CC with Direct Link, now including support for the new Premiere Pro Lumetri color tools.
Adobe Anywhere :
Adobe Anywhere is a breakthrough workflow platform that lets workgroups using Premiere Pro CC and Adobe Prelude CC collaborate with centralized media and assets across standard networks. Adobe Anywhere will soon be offered in two versions. A new, more cost-effective version of Adobe Anywhere will be available for teams of all sizes collaborating in a single location. Anywhere with Mercury Streaming Engines allows enterprise workgroups in multiple locations to work together on projects with shared access to all assets.
« The digital world is a connected world, » explained Bill Roberts. « Modern creative tools should reflect this and empower collaboration, whether in simple ways, like showing a client your work, or in complex remote production settings where artists around the world can work together on the same content even at the same time. » 


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