
Nouvelles du passé, compréhensions nouvelles :


Our analyse
This stage concerns the first contact with yoursituation and the various elements making up the demands of your project. Once we take on board your technical requirements, the impact the project will have on your organization and infrastructure, both financial and organizational, we can propose a package of solutions completely tuned to your company or organization’s needs.

Our offer
An inventory of the equipement at hand and your ressources.
• Techniical survey.
• Specifications listing.
• Requirements outline.
• Procedural documents.
• Overall project outline and description.

Workflow study
We evaluate the scale of the project and the preparation of a framework for the construction of your project to define the processes of assembly of your media.
We offer
A full technical suvey.
Possibilities for financing the project.
Validations et check-ups.

After the validation of the techinical survey, your project starts becoming a reality. We can install and configure the equipment and prepare the installation of the machines at your site.

The fulfilment of your investment

CTM Solutions engineering team is led by an organization led by project managers, whose objectives are to build the structure for your project that will insure the optimal installation by respecting the 6 following points:
• The functional aspects of the project : technical survey, design layout, and fulfilment of the client’s needs.
• The technical aspects of the project : fulfimment of the technical requirement according to the client’s needs
• The cost aspects of the project : managing and respecting the budget allocated for the project
• Delivery of the project : managing the planning of the fulfilment of the project
• Assistance : training and know-how transfer
• Support : technical support and support contracts




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 The different stages of the delivery of the project are as follows

 • Detailed analytical overview of the needs of the client.
• In depth study of the design of the project with regards to the technical specifications.
• Intregration and configuration.
• Tests, technical procedures, and hand-over from our facilities.
• Documentation of all equimement used for the fulfilment.
• Inclusion in our customer database.
• Installation, configuration and hand-over on site.
• Support knowledge hand-over.

The Project Planning: permits the orderly functioning of the project by outlining the different phases of project and their needs in terms of ressources, insuring the proper management of the deliveries during the project’s lifespan.
CTM is a major player in the Professional Broadcast market. CTM has been operating for several decades en close collaboration as a service provider to accompany its clients in a climate of total confidence and a shared partnership.
CTM posesses an unequalled expertise in sales, rentals, installation and maintenance of complex workflows build on the latest Fiber Channel and ethernet networks supplying shared storage of Audio and video files.
CTM: the overall specialist for Post-Production environments
CTM brings its experience of the Post-Production environments, its abilty to design unified and efficient workflows, and the use of different technologies to your project. CTM brings its triple competance to better define the installation the work environments, (example : Avid, Apple, Adobe …), audio (Digidesign Protools, Dolby E, Merging Technologies…) and IT (shared environments SAN et NAS, Media asset Management, interoperability, distribution, supervision etc…)

CTM: project Management experience

The CTM teams apply the work practises laid out by the Project organizers based on manufacturer recommendations and the most used practises in the industry. We also help our clients by sharing our long experience in the management of large scale projects.


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