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Guide d’édition en 3D Stereoscopic

Passez de la 2D à la 3D. Apprenez comment monter en 3 dimensions !

Pour répondre à vos interrogations sur la 3D, voici quelques infos du processus de la 3D sur Avid et FCP (Final Cut Pro)

Coté Avid :

Même si depuis la Version 4 de mediaComposer, la 3D est gérée, la version 5 est bien "la" version qu'il faut pour gérer avec encore plus de fléxibilité les flux stéréoscopiques.

Pour cela, il faut passer par le logiciel Metafuze qui va générer des media DNxHD afin de rendre plus souple le travail (téléchargeable ici )

Il n'y a pas d'obligation de visionner la time-line en 3D (je dirais même que c'est déconseillé en montage afin de ne pas fatiguer la vision)

Vous avez dès à présent des modèles "Pro" chez JVC existent par exemple : http://pro.jvc.com/pro/microsite/3d/monitor/index.html

le principe de base :

Metafuze vous permet de créer un dossier intégrant votre groupe d'images (en indiquant quel est l'image de gauche et celle droite)

Ensuite Metafuze va transcoder ce dossier afin de de rendre en 2D dans Media composer (choix du mode de visu : interlacé : 1/2 trame par Oeil ou en faisant un split haut bas ou gauche droite pour le retour vidéo)

ensuite on importe dans media composer le transcodage réalisé par Metafuze

en fin de montage un export AFE permet de conformer le montage

Le pdf ci dessous ré-explique tout cela de façon complète :

 Avid® Media Composer 5.0, NewsCutter 9.0, and Symphony 5.0 Supporting Applications Guide

page 176 pour la 3D et page 150 pour la création des "folder"

Voir aussi :


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Avid Workflow RED avec Metafuze / Rappel

Retrouvez ici un petit point concernant le workflow RED en post-Production Avid, et aussi la Vidéo issue de la série Avid Media Composer Cutting Edge :

[ lire la suite ]




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Interest in stereo 3D storytelling has been rekindled over the past couple years. Always responsive to industry needs, we’re leading the way by bringing editorial and finishing solutions to your stereoscopic 3D workflows, so you have all the tools you need to meet the many challenges inherent in 3D content creation.

Now, Avid has the technology you need to significantly enhance the viewing experience of a whole new generation of movie audiences.

The new stereoscopic features in Media Composer have improved our dailies workflow. In the past, we had to export an EDL, run it through stereoscopic conform software and then compare that output with the cut in the Avid. We have been able to streamline that process and, instead, just press play.

Trevor Cable Lead Media Engineer, Coraline

Key 3D Features

Work with a variety of formats. Create dailies easily by transcoding stereo 3D files to Avid DNxHD using MetaFuze for an efficient and dependable workflow. MetaFuze 2.0 also supports RED (R3D), DPX, and QuickTime formats.

Edit stereo 3D right in Media Composer. No need for specialized 3D editorial tools—simply use Media Composer, the editing system certified for technical excellence by ACE, to edit content.

Get high-quality HD offline. Avid DNxHD delivers the highest quality HD for offline editorial, so you gain both storage efficiency and the highest quality picture playback.

Monitor in stereo 3D. Edit in 2D. Preview and output the cut in 3D, so both the editor and director can check the cut in the editing room without having to outsource cut approval.

Gain stereo 3D editing with Avid DS. Edit 3D projects in real time and in full resolution. And with the new convergence tools, you can manipulate content for each eye independently—in real time—within the 3D space.

Choose your finishing tool. Create your story in Media Composer and then finish with the solution of your choice. With extensive Avid metadata management for stereoscopic 3D projects, you can be assured that key metadata is always available for downstream processes.

Avid Resources

Avid Media Composer Download
Download a Trial Version of Media Composer, the world’s best editing system for any 3D project.

Avid MetaFuze
Convert your stereo 3D source files to Avid DNxHD for a more efficient and dependable workflow from editorial to finishing.

Avid DS

Third Party Resources

Stereo 3D Camera, Rig, and Capture Manufacturers

Stereo 3D Finishing Systems

Stereo 3D Monitoring, Playback, and Projection

Additional Information

3D Movie Making: Stereoscopic Digital Cinema from Script to Screen by Bernard Mendiburu.

    Primer to all of the essential skills for live action 3D, from preproduction through distribution.

  • Understand state-of-the-art 3D movie technology
  • Step-by-step analysis of the production process for a real-world 3D movie helps you learn how to adapt your skills

Coté FCP :

 White Paper Stereoscopic 3D Workflows For Apple


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