
Nouvelles du passé, compréhensions nouvelles :

La version Media Composer 2.8 est désormais disponible….

Cette version présentera quelques inovations majeures comme le support de l'OS 10.4.10 pour les utilisateurs Mac. Mais aussi de nombreuses améliorations concenrnat le P2, le codec VC-1 / SMPTE 421-M, etc…

– amélioration de l'intégration P2
– compatibilité Interplay 1.1.6 ou 1.2 (à venir très prochainement)
– workflow avec la nouvelle résolution/codec VC-1 de Microsoft (devenu Standard SMPTE 421-M)
– compatibilité Mac OS 10.4.10
– support Quicktime 7.2
– support Windows Media Player 11
– pas de compatibilité avec Media Manager (workgroup 4.x)
– driver NVidia supporté: 91.85
– support Toolkit 5.7

Changed in v2.8 :

Avid Interplay Support
This editing application has been qualified in an Avid Interplay™ 1.2 environment.

VC-1 Resolution
This release of the editing application includes support for editing and playback of MXF
media encoded using the VC-1 resolution and codec. VC-1 was initially developed by
Microsoft® and has been standardized as SMPTE 421-M. Avid Interplay v1.2 does not
support VC-1 media.

Windows) To use the VC-1 resolutions, you must have Windows Media Player 11 installed
on your system.

The VC-1 options appear in the Media Creation settings for Render and
Mixdown & Transcode. These options also appear in the AAF Export settings when setting
the “Transcode Video To” option.

With this release of the editing application, depending on the Project type and edit rate, you
can fast copy import, playback, transcode, and render VC-1 resolutions. You must first
export your sequence as a Windows Media File in order to perform a fast copy import into
the editing application.

The following limitations apply to this release of VC-1:
• Macintosh: The VC-1 codec is only available on Intel-based systems and is limited to
playback only.
• The VC-1 codec is only available for Windows media. If exporting to QuickTime you
must export to a QuickTime-supported codec or transcode your sequence prior to
• AAF or OMF embedded exports of VC-1 are not allowed. Linked media is supported.

Fixed in v2.8

The following have been fixed in this release:

Previously, voice-over recordings with the Audio Punch-In tool might have resulted in
missing voice-over. This has been fixed.
– You might have received an “internal client” error message when trying to configure storage
in the Interplay Administrator Tool. This has been fixed.
– The Center Duration value was not displaying correct film footage values for various film
types. This has been fixed.
– Previously, the MM Access API garbled some international characters when setting
attributes on clips or sequences. This has been fixed.
– Previously, Script Based editing was not supported with Shared Avid Projects. This has been
– You might not have been able to create multiple Media Creation Settings in the same project.
This has been fixed.
– Attempting to use previous user settings might have resulted in “User Setting Not Found”
errors. This has been fixed.
– (Macintosh) Bins containing clips with long file names might not have opened. This has
been fixed.
– Imported P2 clips might have appeared offline in an Interplay environment. This has been


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