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Messages d’erreur lors de la numérisation en HDV sous Xpress Pro HD…

Voici quelques petites choses à vérifier, si vous rencontrez des problèmes ou messages d’erreur, pour numériser en HDV…

1. As stated in the ReadMe, you must be in an HDV project to capture HDV. If you are in an HD project, the capture will not work.

2. When using the Sony HVR M10U, make certain that the 50i/60i SEL setting is set to the appropriate option for your project. Even though the light on the front of the deck may change to the appropriate setting automatically, the menu selection does not change.

To set this, select Menu – scroll down to Others and hit EXEC. Scroll down to 50i/60i SEL setting and hit EXEC. Set the deck to the appropriate setting for your project. You may need to restart the Avid editing application after changing this setting, as the deck will need to reboot.

3. Make sure the iLink setting on your deck or camera is set to Off. Having this on could cause a « parser » error and abort the capture.

5. Also when using the M10U, make sure the VCR HDV/DV setting is set to HDV and not Auto. This setting can be found under the Menu – IN/OUT REC setting.


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