Les nouveautés de la version 4.6.6 • Support of Windows Service Pack 2 (SP2). Includes a new Nvidia driver. Bug fixés sous Mac Xpress Pro v4.6.5 (Macintosh Only) Nouveautés de la version v4.5.1 (nouveautés inclues dans la 4.6.6) 24p/25p PAL support Avid supports 24p and 25p PAL resolutions on Mac OS X and Windows XP. To capture with 24p, you need an Avid Mojo. You cannot perform a digital cut with a 24p project. Pour tout complément d’information sur Xpress Pro 4.6.6, vous pouvez vous reporter au PDF « ReadMe » qui accompagne cette release (disponibles sur simple demande auprès de notre service technique 33 (0)140854500 (préciser à l’opératrice la référence UPDATE-4.6.6 pour être mis en relation avec le service technique concerné). Cet up-grade apporte des fonctionnalités complémentaires à la version 4.x concernant : le montage pour Avid Xpress Pro, ainsi que de nombreuses améliorations des performances. De plus, la version 4.6.6, corrige un certain nombre de bugs des versions antérieures (référencés ci dessous) :
Je suis sous Mac OSX, comment passer en version 4.6.6 ?
Quelles sont les nouveautés de la version 4.6.6 ?
Puis-je dès aujourd’hui updater mon Xpress Pro en version 4.6.6 ?
Qui bénéficie de cet upgrade ?
Où puis-je télécharger la dernière version logicielle ?
Le service technique de CTM m’a communiqué un lien pour télécharger la dernière version logicielle, mais je souhaiterai obtenir les CDs de cette version, est ce possible?
J’ai téléchargé la dernière version logicielle, mais je souhaiterai une intervention de l’équipe technique de CTM pour l’installation et la configuration de ma station Avid, est ce gratuit ?
• Support of Macintosh OS X 10.3.5.
• There is a workaround for Ethernet Attached Clients in a Unity environment not working correctly with Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) installed on your system. See “Avid Unity” on page 25 for the workaround.
• The access violation error while capturing from a Mark In has been fixed.
• The audio and video are now in sync when you use the Audio Punch-in tool. Audio meters are now turned on during audio punch-in.
• (Macintosh only) Bins are now recognized by the application when “Allow file names to exceed 27 characters” is selected in a shared project.
• Playing back a consolidated single field title or an imported matte key should not display “An_Init_Divide_Zero” exception error.
• (PAL only) The timecode duration in a PAL film project will now reflect the correct 24 fps project timecode duration.
• (Windows only) The anti-aliasing has been fixed in IMX50 digitized media.
• The Avid Templates folder installs to the Data Location folder by default.
• Playing back a sequence with a 15:1s MXF clip should not get an error.
• (Software only) You should be able to play a sequence in blue dot mode.
• You can now delete Video Input settings as long as it is not the active setting.
• The Capture tool now calculates the available time on the drive correctly.
• MXF is not supported with Avid Workgroup products at this release.
• Support of Macintosh OS X for 10.3.9 and 10.3.8.
• Playback that occasionally displayed field glitch or phase shift in video has been fixed.
• Group clips will not disappear after you deselect and then select “Master Clips” in the Set Bin Display window.
• Performing a digital cut with a Sony DSR 1500AP device should not cause flashing or dropout problems with an Avid Mojo.
• The wavering edges on a 3D Picture-in-Picture effect, scaled from 50 to 100% on DV25PAL or NTSC video, has been fixed.
The fix was to set the Softness parameter to 10 by default. This should reduce or eliminate the problem. If you do not want to have Softness enabled, you can set the slider to 0, or you can deselect the Border parameter in the Effect Editor.
• You should be able to playback, render, and import 14:1p and 35:1p media. You cannot capture or perform a digital cut.
• The 7AAA application key (dongle) series should not crash the Avid editor when you start the application.
ALE import of FCP projects Avid Log Exchange (ALE) now supports importing a Final Cut Pro, Cinema Tools, or tabbed shot log file.
Command|8 support The Command|8 can be used as a control surface for your Avid editing system. It can also be used as a controller for automation
gain recording.
Crash Record mode for Digital Cut You can crash record to a device without positioning the device beforehand.
Cut and paste locators in the Locators window You can use the Locators window to copy a single locator or multiple locators and then paste them into another clip or sequence.
Delay Audio If the source from which you are capturing has an audio signal that is one or more frames ahead of the video, Delay Audio allows you to adjust the frames to be in sync.
Digidesign Pro Tools support Avid supports exporting sequences to Digidesign Pro Tools.
DV 50 Edit You can edit DV 50 material in Avid Xpress Pro. To capture DV 50 media, use an Avid Adrenaline system.
DVCPRO support Avid supports the DVCPRO format.
Effect Aperture (NTSC only) The Effect Aperture setting allows you to control the number of horizontal lines of an image that are used to create an effect.
FilmScribe: frame-based tracking Bins can display a digital file name for each frame in addition to key numbers, ink numbers, and other reference numbers.
Tracking frames with the frame number is useful when you use the film scanning process, where each frame is an independent file.
Filmscribe: Web-based lists The WebLists template allows you to create an .html cut list or change list that can be viewed in any standard web browser. The lists contain hyperlinks that allow you to jump between lists. You can also take advantage of the browser’s support for printing.
FluidFilm The FluidFilm effect templates appear in the Timewarp category of the Effect Palette. The FluidFilm effect templates allow you to create a film look from interlaced video sources.
Import/Export changes You can specify the audio sample rate and sample bit depth when you import and export. Transcoding video is also available during export.
J-K-L racheting Allows you to slow down or change play direction one speed at a time.
Keys tab, Capture Settings dialog box The Keys tab in the Capture Settings dialog box allows you to specify a default duration for subclips created during capture and to customize the commands mapped to the function keys on your keyboard that are used during the capture process.
Live Capture with 24p Allows for 24p capture to have the same behavior as a video rate, depending on what you have chosen in the Set Pulldown Phase of Timecode (A, B, X, C, or D) in the Film Settings dialog box.
MXF support This release supports MXF file format. However, MXF is not supported with Avid Workgroup products at this release. The Material Exchange Format (MXF) is a format developed by the
Professional MPEG Forum in association with organizations such as SMPTE, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), and the AAF Association. You can also now perform audio and video
conversion between OMF and MXF formats.
Native Windows Media 9 export This release supports exporting to Native Windows Media 9.
Play Buffer Size in Samples and Tool Buffer Size in Samples Avid Xpress Pro software-only version. In the Audio Settings window, two sliders allow you to adjust audio clicking or glitches during output when using a third-party host audio device.
Send To changes The Send To option allows you to send sequences to Pro Tools, Avid DVD by Sonic, and encoding applications through customized templates.
Tracking Info Menu change Added cascading menus for the Tracking Info Menu to choose timecodes more easily.
Video Lock detection On systems with an Avid Mojo device, the Capture tool indicates the kind of signal you have selected to capture, and if the signal you want to capture is valid or locked.
Workgroup support Avid supports the next release of Avid MediaNetwork.
Yamaha® 01V/96 Avid supports the Yamaha 01V/96 digital mixing console.
Puis-je dès aujourd’hui updater mon Xpress Pro en version 4.6.6 ?
La mise à jour en version 4.6.6 impose parfois des compléments à votre configuration de base (ex. augmentation de la RAM etc…), mise à jour de services pack os (Windows XP SP2 avec certains settings specifiques), etc… Pour savoir si votre machine peut être updatée contactez notre service technique au 33 (0)140854500 (préciser à l’opératrice la référence UPDATE-4.6.6 pour être mis en relation avec le service technique concerné). Verifier notamment que votre dongle est déjà en version 4.5 minimum.
Je suis sous Mac OSX, comment passer en version 4.6.6 ?
La version Xpress Pro 4.6.6, est disponible sous Mac OS X et sous Windows XP, à condition que votre hardware Mac le permette (ex. augmentation de la RAM, mise a jour ou settings specifiques de l’os). Pour savoir si votre machine peut être updatée en 4.6, contactez notre service technique au 33 (0)140854500 (préciser à l’opératrice la référence UPDATE-4.6.6 pour être mis en relation avec le service technique concerné).
Qui bénéficie de cet upgrade ?
Tout Client ayant acheté son système Xpress Pro 4.5 (pas d’update du dongle necessaire).
Si vous n’êtes pas en version 4.5, vous pouvez acheter un update en version 4.5 pour celà, contactez notre service commercial au 33 (0)140854500.
Où puis-je télécharger la dernière version logicielle ?
Le Service technique de CTM vous communiquera ou vous transmettra la version logicielle adéquate après vérification de votre configuration hardware.
En effet, certaines mises à jour logicielles imposent des compléments à votre configuration de base (ex. augmentation de la RAM etc…)
Tout complément matériel fera l’objet d’un devis par notre service commercial.
Le service technique de CTM m’a communiqué un lien pour télécharger la dernière version logicielle, mais je souhaiterai obtenir les CDs de cette version, est ce possible ?
Le Service de téléchargement est GRATUIT (pour tout Client sous Contrat)
Cependant toute demande d’envoi physique d’un kit (CD ou Documentation) vous sera facturé au tarif suivant :
« Kit Upgrade Avid » : 75,00 Euros HT
J’ai téléchargé la dernière version logicielle, mais je souhaiterai une intervention de l’équipe technique de CTM pour l’installation et la configuration de ma station Avid, est ce possible ?
L’intervention sur site d’un de nos techniciens est possible sur simple demande, néanmoins sachez que les termes du Contrat d’Assistance Avid ne couvrent AUCUN déplacement ou intervention sur Site. Si vous souhaitez qu’un technicien CTM se déplace pour vous installer la mise à jour logicielle, ce forfait « Upgrade Avid : Installation et Paramétrage » vous sera facturé au tarif suivant :
« Upgrade Avid : Installation et Paramétrage » : 230,00 Euros HT