Compagnon idéal du camescope JY-HD10U, JVC nous propose sa version portable lecteur/enregistreur HD sur Mini DV. An ideal complement to the JVC JY-HD10U handheld camcorder, the new CU-VH1 HDV format player/recorder brings flexibility to HD video production with multiformat (HDV and DV) playback and digital iLink IEEE 1394 recording.
The CU-VH1 allows video producers to spool HD content from their tape to their non-linear editing (NLE) system without tying up the camcorder. Once edited, producers can record their HD material back to tape for archiving or playback.
The CU-VH1 records and plays back HD media, defined by the ATSC broadcast standard HD, using MiniDV cassettes. It features a 3.5-inch LCD monitor, a digital iLink interface for non-linear editing and dubbing, component outputs for multiformat playback, and an SD memory card slot for capturing stills from tape.
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